Tutorial #2 - Interacting with smart contracts

In this tutorial, we will learn how to deploy and interact with smart contracts supported by the Stratis blockchain. Let’s get started!


For this tutorial, you need to fully-setup the StratisUnrealManager instance, as described in Tutorial #0.

Transaction-level API

At first, let’s see how we can interact with smart contracts using low-level (i.e. transaction-level) API.

Deploying a smart contract

To deploy a smart contract, we should use the method sendCreateContractTransaction:

void UStratisUnrealManager::sendCreateContractTransaction(
    const FString& contractCode,
    const TArray<FString>& parameters,
    int64 money,
    TFunction<void(const TResult<FString>&)> callback)


  • contractCode - hex-encoded bytecode of the contract. You can compile your contract using sct tool, or you can use one of the whitelisted contracts from the UWhitelistedSmartContracts class.

  • parameters - serialized arguments passed to contract’s constructor. You can encode parameters using USmartContractsParametersEncoder.

  • money - the number of satoshis to deposit on the contract’s balance.

  • callback - error-aware callback, returns either transactionID of contract creation or error.


TArray<FString> parameters{

    [callback](const TResult<FString>& result) { callback(result); });

Calling contract’s methods

To call contract’s methods, we need to use the sendCallContractTransaction method:

void UStratisUnrealManager::sendCallContractTransaction(
    const FString& contractAddress,
    const FString& methodName,
    const TArray<FString>& parameters,
    uint64 money,
    TFunction<void(const TResult<FString>&)> callback)


  • contractAddress - transaction ID of contract deployment transaction

  • methodName - name of the method we want to call.

  • parameters - serialized parameters list. See more in Deploying smart contract section.

  • money - amount of satoshis to send to contract.

  • callback - error-aware callback, returns either transactionID of contract call or error.


         /* contractAddress */ this->contractAddress,
         /* methodName */ TEXT("TransferFrom"),
         /* parameters */ {
         /* money */ 0,
         /* callback */ [callback](const TResult<FString>& result) { callback(result); });

Making a local call

Sometimes, we want to get some information from the smart contract, but we don’t want to post any updates to the blockchain. In this case, we can use a local call functionality.

To make a local call, we need to use the makeLocalCall method:

void UStratisUnrealManager::makeLocalCall(
    const FLocalCallData& data,
    TFunction<void(const TResult<FString>&)> callback)


  • data - structure containing the all necessary information to resolve smart contract’s method call.

  • callback - error-aware callback, returns either string-encoded return value or error.


FLocalCallData localCallData;
localCallData.gasPrice = 10000;
localCallData.gasLimit = 250000;
localCallData.amount = 0;
localCallData.contractAddress = this->contractAddress;
localCallData.methodName = TEXT("Owner");
localCallData.sender = stratisManager->getAddress();

    [callback](const TResult<FString>& result) { callback(result); });

Smart contract wrappers

Although, we can use any method of any of smart contracts with 3 methods we discussed above, this requires a lot of boilerplate code for each call.

That’s why we have wrappers for some of the white-listed contracts, such as the NFT contract. These wrappers encapsulate all of the necessary boilerplate, giving you a simple and powerful interface.


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to interact with smart contracts using low-level and high-level APIs. In the next tutorial we will see how we can use Stratis Unreal plugin to integrate NFT into your game.

If you found a problem, you can open an issue on the project’s Github page. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in our Discord channel.

Stay tuned!