API Reference

Below you can find a list of available endpoints that can be used to interact with the Stratis Full Node and the respective blockchain.

There is also a public facing instance of the Stratis Full Node API available here:

CirrusMain Swagger

The endpoints here are restricted to stop malicious behaviour.

Stratis Core API Reference

POST /api/AddressBook/address

Adds an entry to the address book.

Status Codes:
DELETE /api/AddressBook/address

Removes an entry from the address book.

Query Parameters:
  • label (string) – The label of the entry to remove.

Status Codes:
GET /api/AddressBook

Gets the address book entries with the option to implement pagination

For example, specifying a value of 40 for skip and a value of 20 for take gets entries 21 to 40. If neither skip or take arguments are provided, then the entire address book is retrieved. An address book can be accessed from a wallet, but it is a standalone feature, which is not attached to any wallet.

Query Parameters:
  • skip (integer) – A value representing how many entries to skip before retrieving the first entry.

  • take (integer) – A value representing how many entries to retrieve.

Status Codes:
GET /api/BlockStore/addressindexertip

Retrieves the Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.BlockStore.Controllers.BlockStoreController.addressIndexer’s tip.

Status Codes:
GET /api/BlockStore/block

Retrieves the block which matches the supplied block hash.

Query Parameters:
  • Hash (string) – The hash of the required block. (Required)

  • ShowTransactionDetails (boolean) – A flag that indicates whether to return each block transaction complete with details or simply return transaction hashes (TX IDs).

  • OutputJson (boolean) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns data about the block or block not found message

  • 400 Bad Request – Block hash invalid, or an unexpected exception occurred

GET /api/BlockStore/GetBlockCount

Gets the current consensus tip height.

This is an API implementation of an RPC call.

Status Codes:
GET /api/BlockStore/getaddressesbalances

Provides balance of the given addresses confirmed with at least minConfirmations confirmations.

Query Parameters:
  • addresses (string) – A comma delimited set of addresses that will be queried.

  • minConfirmations (integer) – Only blocks below consensus tip less this parameter will be considered.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns balances for the requested addresses

  • 400 Bad Request – Unexpected exception occurred

GET /api/BlockStore/getverboseaddressesbalances

Provides verbose balance data of the given addresses.

Query Parameters:
  • addresses (string) – A comma delimited set of addresses that will be queried.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns balances for the requested addresses

  • 400 Bad Request – Unexpected exception occurred

GET /api/ConnectionManager/addnode

Sends a command to the connection manager.

This is an API implementation of an RPC call.

Query Parameters:
  • endpoint (string) – The endpoint in string format. Specify an IP address. The default port for the network will be added automatically.

  • command (string) – The command to run. {add, remove, onetry}

Status Codes:
GET /api/ConnectionManager/getpeerinfo

Gets information about this node.

This is an API implementation of an RPC call.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Consensus/deploymentflags

Get the threshold states of softforks currently being deployed.

Allowable states are: Defined, Started, LockedIn, Failed, Active.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Consensus/getbestblockhash

Gets the hash of the block at the consensus tip.

This is an API implementation of an RPC call.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Consensus/getblockhash

Gets the hash of the block at a given height.

This is an API implementation of an RPC call.

Query Parameters:
  • height (integer) – The height of the block to get the hash for.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Dashboard/Stats

Gets a web page containing the last log output for this node.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns webpage result

GET /api/Dashboard/AsyncLoopsStats

Returns a web page with Async Loops statistics

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns webpage result

GET /api/DefaultVoting/fedmembers

Retrieves a list of active federation members.

Status Codes:
GET /api/DefaultVoting/pendingpolls

Retrieves a list of active polls.

Status Codes:
GET /api/DefaultVoting/finishedpolls

Retrieves a list of finished polls.

Status Codes:
GET /api/DefaultVoting/whitelistedhashes

Retrieves a list of whitelisted hashes.

Status Codes:
POST /api/DefaultVoting/schedulevote-whitelisthash

Votes to add a hash to the whitelist.

Status Codes:
POST /api/DefaultVoting/schedulevote-removehash

Votes to remove a hash from the whitelist.

Status Codes:
GET /api/DefaultVoting/scheduledvotes

Retrieves the scheduled voting data.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Diagnostic/GetConnectedPeersInfo

Returns the connected peers with some information

Status Codes:
GET /api/Diagnostic/GetStatus

Gets the Diagnostic Feature status.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Diagnostic/GetPeerStatistics

Returns the connected peers with some statistical information.

Query Parameters:
  • connectedOnly (boolean) – if set to {true} returns statistics related to connected peers only.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Diagnostic/StartCollectingPeerStatistics

Starts collecting peers statistics.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Diagnostic/StopCollectingPeerStatistics

Stops collecting peers statistics.

Stopping a running peer statistic collecotr doesn’t clear obtained results.

Status Codes:
POST /api/FederationVoting/schedulevote-addfedmember

Votes to add a federation member.

Status Codes:
POST /api/FederationVoting/schedulevote-kickfedmember

Votes to kick a federation member.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Mempool/getrawmempool

Gets a hash of each transaction in the memory pool.

A list of the TX IDs for all the transactions in the mempool are retrieved.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Network/disconnect

Disconnects a connected peer.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Network/setban

Adds or remove a peer from the node’s banned peers list.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Network/getbans

Retrieves a list of all banned peers.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Network/clearbanned

Clears the node of all banned peers.

See “https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#Simple_requests

Status Codes:
GET /api/Node/status

Gets general information about this node.

Including the version, protocol version, network name, coin ticker, and consensus height.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns node information

GET /api/Node/getblockheader

Gets the block header of a block identified by a block hash.

Binary serialization is not supported with this method.

Query Parameters:
  • hash (string) – The hash of the block to retrieve.

  • isJsonFormat (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to return the block header in the JSON format. Defaults to true. A value of false is currently not supported.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Node/getrawtransaction

Gets a raw transaction that is present on this full node.

This method first searches the transaction pool and then tries the block store.

Requires txindex=1, otherwise only transactions that spend or create UTXOs for a stored wallet can be returned.

Query Parameters:
  • trxid (string) – The transaction ID (a hash of the trancaction).

  • verbose (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to return verbose information about the transaction.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Node/decoderawtransaction

Gets a JSON representation for a given transaction in hex format.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns the transaction

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request or unexpected exception occurred

GET /api/Node/validateaddress

Validates a bech32 or base58 bitcoin address.

Query Parameters:
  • address (string) – A Bitcoin address to validate in a string format.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Node/gettxout

Gets the unspent outputs of a specific vout in a transaction.

An API implementation of RPC call.

Query Parameters:
  • trxid (string) – The transaction ID as a hash string.

  • vout (integer) – The vout to get the unspent outputs for.

  • includeMemPool (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to include transactions in the mempool.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Node/shutdown

Triggers a shutdown of this node.

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#Simple_requests

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Node was shutdown

POST /api/Node/stop

Triggers a shutdown of this node.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Node was shutdown

PUT /api/Node/loglevels

Changes the log levels for the specified loggers.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Node/logrules

Get the enabled log rules.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Node/asyncloops

Get the currently running async loops/delegates/tasks for diagnostic purposes.

Status Codes:
POST /api/RPC/callbyname

Makes a Remote Procedural Call method by name.

Status Codes:
GET /api/RPC/listmethods

Lists the available Remote Procedural Call methods on this node.

Status Codes:
GET /api/SmartContracts/code

Gets the bytecode for a smart contract as a hexadecimal string.

The bytecode is decompiled to C# source, which is returned as well. Be aware, it is the bytecode which is being executed, so this is the source of truth.

Query Parameters:
  • address (string) – The address of the smart contract to retrieve as bytecode and C# source.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns code response (may be unsuccessful)

GET /api/SmartContracts/balance

Gets the balance of a smart contract.

This method only works for smart contract addresses.

Query Parameters:
  • address (string) – The address of the smart contract to retrieve the balance for.

Status Codes:
GET /api/SmartContracts/storage

Gets a single piece of smart contract data, which was stored as a key–value pair using the SmartContract.PersistentState property.

The method performs a lookup in the smart contract state database for the supplied smart contract address and key. The value associated with the given key, deserialized for the specified data type, is returned.

If the key does not exist or deserialization fails, the method returns the default value for the specified type.

Query Parameters:
  • ContractAddress (string) – The address of the smart contract. (Required)

  • StorageKey (string) – The key for the piece of stored data to retrieve. (Required)

  • DataType (string) – The stored data type. (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/SmartContracts/receipt

Gets a smart contract transaction receipt.

Receipts contain information about how a smart contract transaction was executed. This includes the value returned from a smart contract call and how much gas was used.

Query Parameters:
  • txHash (string) – A hash of the smart contract transaction (the transaction ID).

Status Codes:

Searches a Smart Contract’s receipts for those which match a specific event.

The SmartContract.Log() function is capable of storing C# structs, and structs are used to store information about different events occurring on the smart contract.

For example, a “TransferLog” struct could contain “From” and “To” fields and be used to log when a smart contract makes a transfer of funds from one wallet to another. The log entries are held inside the smart contract, indexed using the name of the struct, and are linked to individual transaction receipts.

Therefore, it is possible to return a smart contract’s transaction receipts which match a specific event (as defined by the struct name).

Query Parameters:
  • contractAddress (string) – The address of the smart contract to retrieve the receipts for.

  • eventName (string) – The name of the event struct to retrieve matching receipts for.

Status Codes:
POST /api/SmartContracts/build-create

Builds a transaction to create a smart contract.

Although the transaction is created, the smart contract is not deployed on the network, and no gas or fees are consumed. Instead the created transaction is returned as a hexadecimal string within a JSON object.

Transactions built using this method can be deployed using /api/SmartContractWallet/send-transaction. However, unless there is a need to closely examine the transaction before deploying it, you should use api/SmartContracts/build-and-send-create.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns create contract response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request or failed to build transaction

POST /api/SmartContracts/build-call

Builds a transaction to call a smart contract method.

Although the transaction is created, the call is not made, and no gas or fees are consumed. Instead the created transaction is returned as a JSON object.

Transactions built using this method can be deployed using /api/SmartContractWallet/send-transaction. However, unless there is a need to closely examine the transaction before deploying it, you should use api/SmartContracts/build-and-send-call.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns call contract response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request or failed to build transaction

POST /api/SmartContracts/build-transaction

Builds a transaction to transfer funds on a smart contract network.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns transaction response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request or unexpected exception occurred

POST /api/SmartContracts/estimate-fee

Gets a fee estimate for a specific smart contract account-based transfer transaction.

This differs from fee estimation on standard networks due to the way inputs must be selected for account-based transfers.

Status Codes:
POST /api/SmartContracts/build-and-send-create

Builds a transaction to create a smart contract and then broadcasts the transaction to the network.

If the deployment is successful, methods on the smart contract can be subsequently called.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns create transaction response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request, failed to build transaction, or cannot broadcast transaction

  • 403 Forbidden – No connected peers

POST /api/SmartContracts/build-and-send-call

Builds a transaction to call a smart contract method and then broadcasts the transaction to the network.

If the call is successful, any changes to the smart contract balance or persistent data are propagated across the network.

Status Codes:
POST /api/SmartContracts/local-call

Makes a local call to a method on a smart contract that has been successfully deployed.

A transaction is not created as the call is never propagated across the network. All persistent data held by the smart contract is copied before the call is made.

Only this copy is altered by the call and the actual data is unaffected. Even if an amount of funds are specified to send with the call, no funds are in fact sent.

The purpose of this function is to query and test methods.

Status Codes:
GET /api/SmartContracts/address-balances

Gets all addresses owned by a wallet which have a balance associated with them.

This method effectively returns the balance of all the UTXOs associated with a wallet.

In a case where multiple UTXOs are associated with one address, the amounts are tallied to give a total for that address.

Query Parameters:
  • walletName (string) – The name of the wallet to retrieve the addresses from.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns address balances

GET /api/SmartContractWallet/account-addresses

Gets a smart contract account address.

This is a single address to use for all smart contract interactions.

Smart contracts send funds to and store data at this address. For example, an ERC-20 token would store tokens allocated to a user at this address, although the actual data could, in fact, be anything. The address stores a history of smart contract create/call transactions.

It also holds a UTXO list/balance based on UTXOs sent to it from smart contracts or user wallets. Once a smart contract has written data to this address, you need to use the address to provide gas and fees for smart contract calls involving that stored data (for that smart contract deployment).

In the case of specific ERC-20 tokens allocated to you, using this address would be a requirement if you were to, for example, send some of the tokens to an exchange. It is therefore recommended that in order to keep an intact history and avoid complications, you use the single smart contract address provided by this function for all interactions with smart contracts.

In addition, a smart contract address can be used to identify a contract deployer. Some methods, such as a withdrawal method on an escrow smart contract, should only be executed by the deployer, and in this case, it is the smart contract account address that identifies the deployer.

Note that this account differs from “account 0”, which is the “default

holder of multiple addresses”. Other address holding accounts can be created, but they should not be confused with the smart contract account, which is represented by a single address.

Query Parameters:
  • walletName (string) – The name of the wallet to retrieve a smart contract account address for.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns account addresses

  • 400 Bad Request – Wallet name not provided or unexpected exception occurred

GET /api/SmartContractWallet/address-balance

Gets the balance at a specific wallet address in STRAX (or the respective token/coin).

This method gets the UTXOs at the address that the wallet can spend.

The function can be used to query the balance at a smart contract account address supplied by /api/SmartContractWallet/account-addresses.

Query Parameters:
  • address (string) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns address balance

GET /api/SmartContractWallet/history

Gets the history of a specific wallet address.

This includes the smart contract create and call transactions.

This method can be used to query the balance at a smart contract account address supplied by /api/SmartContractWallet/account-addresses.

It is advisable to use /api/SmartContractWallet/account-addresses to generate an address for all smart contract interactions. If this has been done, and that address is supplied to this method, a list of all smart contract interactions for a wallet will be returned.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) –

  • Address (string) –

  • Skip (integer) – An optional value allowing (with Take) pagination of the wallet’s history. If given, the member specifies the numbers of records in the wallet’s history to skip before beginning record retrieval; otherwise the wallet history records are retrieved starting from 0.

  • Take (integer) – An optional value allowing (with Skip) pagination of the wallet’s history. If given, the member specifies the number of records in the wallet’s history to retrieve in this call; otherwise all wallet history records are retrieved.

Status Codes:
POST /api/SmartContractWallet/create

Builds a transaction to create a smart contract and then broadcasts the transaction to the network.

If the deployment is successful, methods on the smart contract can be subsequently called.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns build transaction response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request, failed to build transaction, or could not broadcast transaction

POST /api/SmartContractWallet/call

Builds a transaction to call a smart contract method and then broadcasts the transaction to the network.

If the call is successful, any changes to the smart contract balance or persistent data are propagated across the network.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns build transaction response

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request, failed to build transaction, or could not broadcast transaction

POST /api/SmartContractWallet/send-transaction

Broadcasts a transaction, which either creates a smart contract or calls a method on a smart contract.

If the contract deployment or method call are successful gas and fees are consumed.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/mnemonic

Generates a mnemonic to use for an HD wallet.

Query Parameters:
  • language (string) – The language for the words in the mnemonic. The options are: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, ChineseSimplified and ChineseTraditional.

  • wordCount (integer) – The number of words in the mnemonic. The options are: 12,15,18,21 or 24.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/create

Creates a new wallet on this node.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/signmessage

Signs a message and returns the signature.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/verifymessage

Verifies the signature of a message.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/load

Loads a previously created wallet.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/recover

Recovers an existing wallet.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/recover-via-extpubkey

Recovers a wallet using its extended public key.

Note that the recovered wallet will not have a private key and is only suitable for returning the wallet history using further API calls.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/general-info

Gets some general information about a wallet.

This includes the network the wallet is for, the creation date and time for the wallet, the height of the blocks the wallet currently holds, and the number of connected nodes.

Query Parameters:
  • Name (string) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/history

Gets the history of a wallet.

This includes the transactions held by the entire wallet or a single account if one is specified.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet to recover the history for. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – Optional. The name of the account to recover the history for. If no account name is specified, the entire history of the wallet is recovered.

  • Address (string) – Optional. If set, will filter the transaction history for all transactions made to or from the given address.

  • Skip (integer) – An optional value allowing (with Take) pagination of the wallet’s history. If given, the member specifies the numbers of records in the wallet’s history to skip before beginning record retrieval; otherwise the wallet history records are retrieved starting from 0.

  • Take (integer) – An optional value allowing (with Skip) pagination of the wallet’s history. If given, the member specifies the number of records in the wallet’s history to retrieve in this call; otherwise all wallet history records are retrieved.

  • SearchQuery (string) –

    An optional string that can be used to match different data in the transaction records.

    It is possible to match on the following:

    The transaction ID, the address at which funds where received and the address to which funds where sent.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/balance

Gets the balance of a wallet.”

Both the confirmed and unconfirmed balance are returned.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet to retrieve the balance for. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – The name of the account to retrieve the balance for. If no account name is supplied, then the balance for the entire wallet (all accounts) is retrieved.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/received-by-address

Gets the balance at a specific wallet address.

Both the confirmed and unconfirmed balance are returned. This method gets the UTXOs at the address which the wallet can spend.

Query Parameters:
  • Address (string) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/maxbalance

Gets the maximum spendable balance for an account along with the fee required to spend it.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet to retrieve the maximum spendable amount for. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – The name of the account to retrieve the maximum spendable amount for.

  • FeeType (string) – The type of fee to use when working out the fee required to spend the amount. Specify “low”, “medium”, or “high”. (Required)

  • AllowUnconfirmed (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to include the unconfirmed amounts held at account addresses as spendable.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/spendable-transactions

Gets the spendable transactions for an account with the option to specify how many confirmations a transaction needs to be included.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet to retrieve the spendable transactions for. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) –

  • MinConfirmations (integer) –

    The minimum number of confirmations a transaction needs to have to be included.

    To include unconfirmed transactions, set this value to 0.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/estimate-txfee

Gets a fee estimate for a specific transaction.

Fee can be estimated by creating a Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet.TransactionBuildContext with no password and then building the transaction and retrieving the fee from the context.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/build-transaction

Builds a transaction and returns the hex to use when executing the transaction.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/send-transaction

Sends a transaction that has already been built.

Use the /api/Wallet/build-transaction call to create transactions.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/files

Lists all the files found in the default wallet folder.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/account

Creates a new account for a wallet.

Accounts are given the name “account i”, where i is an incremental index which starts at 0.

According to BIP44. an account at index i can only be created when the account at index (i - 1) contains at least one transaction. For example, if three accounts named “account 0”, “account 1” and “account 2” already exist and contain at least one transaction, then the function will create “account 3”.

However, if “account 2”, for example, instead contains no transactions, then this API call returns “account 2”.

Accounts are created deterministically, which means that on any device, the accounts and addresses for a given seed (or mnemonic) are always the same.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/accounts

Gets a list of accounts for the specified wallet.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet for which to list the accounts. (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/unusedaddress

Gets an unused address (in the Base58 format) for a wallet account.

This address will not have been assigned to any known UTXO (neither to pay funds into the wallet or to pay change back to the wallet).

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet from which to get the address. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – The name of the account for which to get the address.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/unusedaddresses

Gets a specified number of unused addresses (in the Base58 format) for a wallet account.

These addresses will not have been assigned to any known UTXO (neither to pay funds into the wallet or to pay change back to the wallet).

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet from which to get the addresses. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – The name of the account for which to get the addresses.

  • Count (string) – The number of addresses to retrieve. (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/addresses

Gets all addresses for a wallet account.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet from which to get the addresses. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) – The name of the account for which to get the addresses.

Status Codes:
DELETE /api/Wallet/remove-transactions

Removes transactions from the wallet.

You may want to remove transactions from a wallet if some unconfirmed transactions disappear from the blockchain or the transaction fields within the wallet are updated and a refresh is required to populate the new fields.

In one situation, you might notice several unconfirmed transaction in the wallet, which you now know were never confirmed. You can use this API to correct this by specifying a date and time before the first unconfirmed transaction thereby removing all transactions after this point.

You can also request a resync as part of the call, which calculates the block height for the earliest removal. The wallet sync manager then proceeds to resync from there reinstating the confirmed transactions in the wallet.

You can also cherry pick transactions to remove by specifying their transaction ID.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet to remove the transactions from. (Required)

  • ids (array) – The IDs of the transactions to remove.

  • fromDate (string) – A date and time after which all transactions should be removed.

  • all (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to delete all transactions from a wallet.

  • ReSync (boolean) – A flag that specifies whether to resync the wallet after removing the transactions.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/extpubkey

Gets the extended public key of a specified wallet account.

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet from which to get the extended public key. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/sync

Requests the node resyncs from a block specified by its block hash.

Internally, the specified block is taken as the new wallet tip and all blocks after it are resynced.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/sync-from-date

Request the node resyncs starting from a given date and time.

Internally, the first block created on or after the supplied date and time is taken as the new wallet tip and all blocks after it are resynced.

Status Codes:
GET /api/Wallet/wallet-stats

Retrieves information about the wallet

Query Parameters:
  • WalletName (string) – The name of the wallet for which to get the stats. (Required)

  • AccountName (string) –

  • MinConfirmations (integer) –

    The minimum number of confirmations a transaction needs to have to be included.

    To include unconfirmed transactions, set this value to 0.

  • Verbose (boolean) – Should the request return a more detailed output

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/splitcoins

Creates requested amount of UTXOs each of equal value.

Status Codes:
POST /api/Wallet/distribute-utxos

Splits and distributes UTXOs across wallet addresses

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Returns distribution details

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid request, requested transactions exceeds number of UTXOs, cannot broadcast transaction, or unexpected exception occurred

  • 500 Internal Server Error – Request is null