Interacting with the Cirrus Node

The Cirrus Sidechain is the first Stratis Blockchain that supports Smart Contract execution. Governed entirely by members of the Stratis Community, presenting a required amount of collateral to secure their position as a Masternode.

Interacting with the Cirrus Sidechain is no different to interacting with the Stratis Full Node, however, there is a different and some additional methods that can be utilised to leverage the additional functionality presented through Smart Contract enablement.

The Cirrus Sidechain incorporates Stratis Smart Contract technology, this enables Smart Contract deployment and interaction. There are several endpoints available to interact with Smart Contracts. These endpoints are documented and available via the Swagger interface, accessible from the below URL.

This document will now progress to detail how an SRC20 Token can be interacted with.

This document will progress with the assumption that a wallet has been created as detailed previously in this document.

Obtaining an SRC20 Token Balance

An SRC20 Token balance can be achieved by utilising the */api/SmartContracts/local-call* endpoint.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:37223/api/SmartContracts/local-call" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -d '{\"contractAddress\":\"CUwkBGkXrQpMnZeWW2SpAv1Vu9zPvjWNFS\",\"methodName\":\"GetBalance\",\"amount\":\"0\",\"gasPrice\":100,\"gasLimit\":15000,\"sender\":\"CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ\",\"parameters\":[\"9#CVZvejbiAHEeuZCaEJ4zPi1tCYne2CrHru\"]}'

Executing the above command, we are supplying several parameters, highlighted below:

The Token Contract to query.

contractAddress”: “CUwkBGkXrQpMnZeWW2SpAv1Vu9zPvjWNFS”

The name of the Method

methodName”: “GetBalance”

The amount of CRS Tokens (No CRS is required for this call)

amount”: “0”

The minimum GAS Price

gasPrice”: 100

GAS Prices must be set for the local-call, 100 is the lowest.

The maximum GAS to be spent

gasLimit”: 15000

The address that is making the call

sender”: “CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ”

Additional parameters for the contract


9# defines the target address


The above example will provide a response like the below.

        "internalTransfers": [],
        "gasConsumed": {
                "value": 10079
        "revert": false,
        "errorMessage": null,
        "return": 289856038578246,
        "logs": []

The important element of the above being the value of the return property. The amount displayed is exclusive of a decimal point. The value must be divided by 10^x, where x is the number of decimal places of the token. Note: this value is for UI purposes only and is not defined within the token contract itself. It must be obtained from the issuer of a token.

In this case the decimal value is 8, meaning 289856038578246/ 100000000 will present us with the correct balance of 2,898,560.38578246.

Transferring SRC20 Tokens

The transferring of SRC20 Coins/Tokens is very similar to the querying of a balance, however, there are some subtle differences. For instance, a CRS Token balance is required as any SRC20 Transfers will be propagated and validated by the Masternodes operating the network.

The below command will interact with the api/SmartContractWallet/call method to create an SRC20 Token Transfer.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:37223/api/SmartContractWallet/call" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -d '{\"walletName\":\"Cirrus\",\"contractAddress\":\"CYNs9kHdizj7Jde8KwAMivrucR3QLDszQh\",\"methodName\":\"TransferTo\",\"amount\":\"0\",\"feeAmount\":\"0.001\",\"password\":\"GettingStarted\",\"gasPrice\":100,\"gasLimit\":15000,\"sender\":\"CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ\",\"parameters\":[\"9#CRw6gyKaH7RobsK7fE8ELbCrizzc5mk5u9\",\"7#1000000000\"]}'

Executing the above command, we are supplying several parameters, highlighted below:

The name of the wallet

walletName”: “Cirrus”

The address of the Token Contract

contractAddress”: “CYNs9kHdizj7Jde8KwAMivrucR3QLDszQh”

The name of the Method

methodName”: “TransferTo”

The amount of CRS Tokens (No CRS is required for this call)

amount”: “0”

The fee amount to fund the transaction

feeAmount”: “0.001”

The wallet password

password”: “GettingStarted”

The minimum GAS Price

gasPrice”: 100

The maximum GAS to be spent

gasLimit”: 15000

The address that is making the call

sender”: “CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ”

Additional parameters for the contract


9# defines the target/receiving address


7# defines the number of tokens to transfer, exclusive of any decimal places. Eg. To send 1.2345 tokens, use the value 12345


The above example will provide a response like the below.

        "fee": 1600000,
        "hex": "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",
        "message": "Your CALL method TransferTo transaction was successfully built.",
        "success": true,
        "transactionId": "738db2dbd8ce2d9299f88a4337a7205c232557533e1916bf68e064524786d07c"

The important elements of the above being the value of the success property and the transactionId parameter.

Propagation of the transaction can be confirmed by querying the /api/SmartContracts/receipt endpoint with the transactionId provided in the response from the token transfer.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:37223/api/SmartContracts/receipt?txHash=738db2dbd8ce2d9299f88a4337a7205c232557533e1916bf68e064524786d07c" -H "accept: application/json"

The above will provide a response like the below.

        "transactionHash": "738db2dbd8ce2d9299f88a4337a7205c232557533e1916bf68e064524786d07c",
        "blockHash": "cd82b55e782d00b5c4601d5753e7971fe5da85191bf9209f95fc0428e4420bf2",
        "postState": "b87df59cef6dcf162b6cdc53270c2989f698d7ebf96f443505a19e9a8016aedd",
        "gasUsed": 12680,
        "from": "CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ",
        "to": "CYNs9kHdizj7Jde8KwAMivrucR3QLDszQh",
        "newContractAddress": null,
        "success": true,
        "returnValue": "True",
        "bloom": "00000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000404000000000000000002000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000008400000000000000000000000000000",
        "error": null,
        "logs": [
                        "address": "CYNs9kHdizj7Jde8KwAMivrucR3QLDszQh",
                        "topics": [
                        "data": "F394B1F088BB6E3416D517B1B1A6591DCE470BB27F649467DE7AD877BF83FE70CD312D84A133DA060D9E388800CA9A3B00000000",
                        "log": {
                                "from": "CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ",
                                "to": "CRw6gyKaH7RobsK7fE8ELbCrizzc5mk5u9",
                                "amount": 1000000000

There are several key properties in the above response.

The amount of GAS associated with the Smart Contract call

gasUsed”: 12680

The sender of the transfer

from”: “CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ”

The Token Contract Address Note: Not the recipient

to”: “CYNs9kHdizj7Jde8KwAMivrucR3QLDszQh”

The status of the transaction

success”: true

The transaction log


The sender of Tokens

from”: “CYgkKbebnkCdJ9y8MGcscQhuZEzRf7YgNJ”

The recipient of Tokens

to”: “CRw6gyKaH7RobsK7fE8ELbCrizzc5mk5u9”

The amount of Tokens transferred, exclusive of any decimal places. E.g. For 1.2345 tokens, this would be 12345

amount”: 1000000000