Stratis Smart Contracts with Unity3D

Stratis Smart Contracts are enabled on Cirrus Main and Cirrus Test networks. Only whitelisted smart contracts can be deployed. A list of whitelisted smart contracts can be found here:

You can also check if Smart Contract is whitelisted using /api/Voting/whitelistedhashes.

For example if you run node on CirrusTest; this link will provide you with list of hashes of whitelisted contracts: http://localhost:38223/api/Voting/whitelistedhashes

What is required to work with Stratis Smart Contracts

For this tutorial you need some coins in your Cirrus wallet.

When you deploy or call smart contracts you are creating a transaction which requires a fee. So before you proceed make sure you have some CRS or TCRS (TCRS for Testnet) deposited to your address.

This can be obtained from members of the community in the Stratis Discord Server

The following code generates your address and then displays it in the debug console.

Network network = new CirrusTest();

StratisNodeClient client = new StratisNodeClient("");

Mnemonic mnemonic = new Mnemonic("legal door leopard fire attract stove similar response photo prize seminar frown", Wordlist.English);

StratisUnityManager stratisUnityManager = new StratisUnityManager(client, new BlockCoreApi(""), network, mnemonic);

Debug.Log("Your address: " + stratisUnityManager.GetAddress());

Transaction-level API

At first, let’s see how we can interact with smart contracts using low-level (i.e. transaction-level) API.

Deploying Smart Contracts

To deploy a smart contract you need to use stratisUnityManager.SendCreateContractTransactionAsync which returns the txId after execution. That txId can be used to get a receipt once the transaction has been executed.

public async Task<string> SendCreateContractTransactionAsync(
    string contractCode,
    string[] parameters = null,
    Money amount = null)
  • contractCode - hex-encoded bytecode of the contract. You can compile your contract using sct tool, or you can use one of the whitelisted contracts from the WhitelistedContracts class.

  • parameters - serialized arguments passed to contract’s constructor. Supported data types described in MethodParameterDataType enum.

  • money - the number of satoshis to deposit on the contract’s balance.

  • Returns transactionID of contract creation.

For example here is how to deploy StandardToken contract:

List<string> constructorParameter = new List<string>()

string txId = await stratisUnityManager.SendCreateContractTransactionAsync(WhitelistedContracts.StandartTokenContract.ByteCode, constructorParameter.ToArray(), 0).ConfigureAwait(false);
Debug.Log("Contract deployment tx sent. TxId: " + txId);

And once transaction is confirmed you can use transactionId to query the receipt as shown below.

ReceiptResponse receipt = await

string contractAddr = receipt.NewContractAddress;

Using Smart Contracts

There are two ways to interact with a Smart Contract: call and local call. Calls should be used when you want to change a smart contract’s state. Local calls are used to get data from smart contract and using them doesn’t result in creating an on-chain transaction, nor any associated cost.

To make local call, we need to use the Unity3dClient.LocalCallAsync method, which takes LocalCallContractRequest argument and returns LocalExecutionResult.

Here is an example of making local call:

var localCallData = new LocalCallContractRequest() {
    GasPrice = 10000,
    Amount = "0",
    GasLimit = 250000,
    ContractAddress = contractAddr,
    MethodName = "MaxVotingDuration",
    Sender = stratisUnityManager.GetAddress().ToString(),
    Parameters = new List()

LocalExecutionResult localCallResult = await client.LocalCallAsync(

Debug.Log("MaxVotingDuration: " + localCallResult.Return.ToString());

To make a call that will push some data on-chain we need to use stratisUnityManager.SendCallContractTransactionAsync method:

public async Task<string> SendCallContractTransactionAsync(
    string contractAddr,
    string methodName,
    string[] parameters = null,
    Money amount = null)

The below is an example of making an on-chain call:

string contractAddress = "CNiJEPppjvBf1zAAyjcLD81QbVd8NQ59Bv";
string methodName = "WhitelistAddress";
string whitelistAddress = "CPokn4GjJHtM7t2b99pdsbLuGd4RbM7pGL";
string[] parameters = new string[] {

string callId = await stratisUnityManager.SendCallContractTransactionAsync(

For more information, you can check examples in TestSmartContracts.cs

Smart Contract Wrappers

Although, we can use any method of any of smart contracts with 3 methods we discussed above (deploy, call and local call), that requires a lot of boilerplate code for each call.

That’s why we have wrappers for some of the white-listed contracts, such as the NFT (SRC-721) or the StandardToken (SRC-20) contracts. These wrappers encapsulates all of necessary boilerplate, giving you a simple and powerful interface.

Here is an example for StandardToken Wrapper that displays information about target StandardToken:

string standartTokenAddr = "tLG1Eap1f7H5tnRwhs58Jn7NVDrP3YTgrg";
StandartTokenWrapper stw = new StandartTokenWrapper(stratisUnityManager, standartTokenAddr);

Debug.Log("Symbol: " + await stw.GetSymbolAsync());
Debug.Log("Name: " + await stw.GetNameAsync());
Debug.Log("TotalSupply: " + await stw.GetTotalSupplyAsync());
Debug.Log("Balance: " + await stw.GetBalanceAsync(firstAddress));
Debug.Log("Decimals: " + await stw.GetDecimalsAsync());

Here is an example for a NFT Contract and minting a new NFT:

string nftAddr = "t8snCz4kQgovGTAGReAryt863NwEYqjJqy";
string uri = "";
string nftContractAddress = "tRxYDrnKGAKcrSrc1VQMoKa28RSGUXywP5";
string firstAddress = "t8ehx5Nm4QXeRhzt92ATTgCRc1zDkFXAdw";

NFTWrapper nft = new NFTWrapper(stratisUnityManager, nftAddr);

UInt256 balanceBefore = await nft.BalanceOfAsync(firstAddress);
Debug.Log("NFT balance: " + balanceBefore);

string mintId = await nft.MintAsync(firstAddress, uri);

await stratisUnityManager.WaitTillReceiptAvailable(mintId);

UInt256 balanceAfter = await nft.BalanceOfAsync(firstAddress);

Assert.IsTrue(balanceAfter == balanceBefore + 1);

For more examples, you can check in SCInteractTest.cs


You can find full listings for smart contract examples in the Examples folder.

AssetsCodeExamplesTestSmartContracts.cs - general example that covers contract deployment and interaction.

AssetsCodeExamplesSCInteractTest.cs - example that covers NFT and StandartToken contracts deployment and interaction.

To run those examples just add their scripts to any object in your scene or use prebuilt scenes from \Assets\Scenes.